Campaign Prayer

Almighty and Eternal Father, moved by the Holy Spirit, we have made so bold as to plan for future needs of our church. Instill within us the determination to see this renewal to fruition. As we announce our financial needs & ask for parish support, Father, we invoke the name of our Blessed Mother. Help us to follow her example in trust & serenity.

When the archangel Gabriel announced the Lord’s plan, Mary accepted His will in faith & humility. In the spirit of the original Annunciation let us embrace & support our parish goals in faith & humility. The Blessed Mother conceived of the Holy Spirit & brought forth our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us be consumed by this same Holy Spirit that we may more fully participate as the Body of Christ on earth, His Church.

Mary & Joseph nurtured the Child Jesus in truth & grace. Let us build our spiritual home so that we may nurture our own parish children in the same truth & grace. Our Lady’s heart was repeatedly pierced, but her unshakeable trust in God’s promise sustained her. Let us always remember our own sacrifices are momentary, the inconveniences fleeting, & all lead to the joy of building a parish community for the greater glory of God. Amen.

Published with eccliastical approval by the Most Rev. George A. Sheltz, Ausiliary Bishop of Galveston-Houston, November 28, 2015.