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Our Needs

Capital Improvements

Worship Space

Computer System
Our presentation software is outdated, slow, and hard to use for creating and displaying graphics and lyrics. We also need a portable computer for backup and to use for children’s worship. 

Lighting System & Fixtures
Our lighting is outdated, ineffective, not energy efficient, and cannot offer effects like dimming. The lighting board, from 2003, is inadequate and incompatible with new lighting fixtures.

Digital Recording Equipment
Our recording equipment for online viewing is outdated and time-intensive for staff. The equipment records to a disc which must be manually converted to digital and then uploaded.

Live-streaming Equipment
We don’t have live-streaming audio-visual equipment so those unable to attend church cannot watch our services live. Instead, staff must make weekly pre-recorded messages and music.

Church Office

The office flooring is outdated and worn and the walls need new paint.

Reception Area Furnishings
The reception area’s furnishings are worn and look residential rather than professional, and the wall hangings and decorations are shabby and outdated.

Improved Wayfinding Signage
Our lack of signage is unwelcoming to all who come to our facilities.

Parking Lot

Parking Lot Repairs & Replacement
Our two church parking lots constantly need repair, especially after winter. They will soon need total replacement and we don’t have funds for this major expense.


Roof Repair & Replacement
The garage roof and the church’s flat roof have leaked, caused water damage, and are nearing the end of their lives. They must be repaired until they can be replaced and we don’t have money reserved for either.

HVAC System
Our aging geo-thermal HVAC system has some heat pumps that need repairs and others that need replacement. We don’t have maintenance funds set aside to provide confidence in always having a comfortable, climate-controlled facility.

Other Areas 

Childcare Kitchen Improvements
Our daycare kitchen only allows us to serve previously prepared meals. We are unable to make and serve hot, healthier, and less expensive food because it doesn’t have a stove or an oven with the necessary hood and venting equipment. 

Childcare Garbage Enclosure
Without a convenient garbage dumpster and enclosure near our daycare and pre-school, staff must parade garbage through or around the building to the dumpsters near the church office. 

Commercial Water Softener
Without a commercial grade water softener and filter our drinking water doesn’t taste good and hard water mineral build-up is wearing out our pipes and plumbing fixtures faster than normal and leaving our kitchenware etched and dirty looking.

Lawn Mowing Equipment
Our wonderful volunteers take great pride in maintaining our beautiful lawn, but our current lawn mowing equipment is worn out and nearing the end of its useful life.

Operational Improvements

Our Pastors and other staff members must now take their focus off of their core church roles and responsibilities to perform other tasks. This distracts them from performing their jobs to the best of their abilities which is a detriment to us all. It prevents our church from being and growing in excellence. 

Staff Additions

Operations Director
Family of Christ does not have a full-time, professional operations director to manage our church, daycare, and pre-school operational, administrative, and financial affairs. Staff members doing this now do not have the time or background for this role. Other similarly sized churches have a business and financial expert in this position to maximize income and minimize expenses. 

Music Director
A church our size needs a music director gifted and trained in choosing and singing sacred music. Someone to lead singers and musicians and bring focus and improvement to our worship music. Our current Worship and Music Director has too broad a responsibility to fulfill this role as it should be done. 

Production Manager
Our services would run smoother and be enhanced if we had a staff person to manage livestreaming, sanctuary décor, and lighting and sound.

Technology Coordinator
We lack in-house technology expertise to manage and maintain all of our computer systems adequately.

Hospitality Coordinator
To achieve excellence in worship, we need a hospitality coordinator. Someone who will ensure we always offer a warm, welcoming and positive first impression of Family of Christ to our guests and church members. 

We are unable to support a Vicar (pastor internship), which is an important opportunity we’d like to provide to anyone wanting to someday become a pastor of their own church.

Mission Enhancement 
Annually we give missions a little over $100,000, which is less than a full tithe of our operating income.

Financial Improvements

  • $3.4 million existing debt
  • $25,000 monthly principal and interest payment
  • $300,000 annual financial cost of the debt to our church 

Ministry & Program Costs
Our debt has been barely manageable and caused us to cut programs and staff. It also is preventing us from adding needed personnel and adding or improving programs, services and ministries that would benefit our church members and the larger community. 

Debt Retirement
We need to pay off our debt in its entirety. Until then, we need to make it more manageable.